In light of the recent government announcement on 16th March 2020 in relation to the Public, Bank and Mercantile sector operations, we are constrained to close our physical premises for the period deemed necessary by the authorities. However, DCI Recruitment (Pvt) Ltd is committed to providing a “business as usual” uninterrupted service to jobseekers and our valued clients respectively.
Our team will be operating remotely from home until further notice. As a precautionary measure all interviews will be conducted via telephone, WhatsApp or Skype.
Our team can be contacted on the following numbers; 0771099610 or 0771099615, and emails; recruitment@dci.lk and info@dci.lk You can also register with us and send us your CVs through our website: https://dci.lk/
Our 24-hour hotline 0773419933 is active and messages and calls can be made to this number.
DCI understands the stress and anxiety we are all going through in these troubled times and emphasizes the need to stay calm. Remember patients have been diagnosed, treated and discharged from hospitals as we speak. However, being careful and not taking things for granted is in our hands and we must feverishly follow the guidelines in order to keep our immunity levels high.
On our part we take this opportunity to list out what we have been following as precautionary measures of prevention of infection. We start the day by following a routine every morning. We conduct a self-check by taking a deep breath and hold our breath for more than ten (10) seconds, which will help us understand our symptoms better. If you can hold your breath without coughing, without discomfort, without stiffness, or tightness, then it proves that there is less chance of any type of infection.
Medical experts believe that these may be progressive symptoms of the virus (Covid – 19).

DAY 1-3
- Symptoms similar to colds
- Mild throat pains
- No fever, not tired; still consume food and drink as normal
- Throat a little bit painful; body feels like drunk
- Voice becoming hoarse
- Body temperature around 36.5°
- Beginning of disturbance in eating habits;
- Mild headaches
- Mild diarrhea
- Throat pain and hoarse voice
- Mild body heat. Body temperature between 36.5°-36.7°
- Weak body; feeling joint pains
- Beginning of mild fever with temperature around 37°
- Dry cough
- Throat pains while eating, swallowing food, or talking.
- Exhausted and nauseous
- Occasional difficulty in breathing
- Fingers feeling pain
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Higher fever from 37.4°-37.8°
- Coughing incessantly with phlegm
- Body pains and headache
- Worsening diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Fever around 38° or above 38°
- Breathing difficulties; heavy feeling in the chest when breathing
- Incessant coughs
- Headaches, joints becoming lame; buttocks pain.
- Symptoms remain unchanged but becoming worse
- Worsening fever
- Worsening cough
- Difficulties in breathing and struggling hard to breathe
At this stage, blood tests and chest x-ray must be conducted immediately.
This information is for reference purposes only. At any point in time, if you do not feel well, consult a medical doctor immediately,We are all in this together and it is important to self-isolate if you have any doubts about your health. This will not only help you but will also help you look out for the elderly, family, friends and coworkers.
we shall overcome..!!

In light of the recent government announcement on 16th March 2020 in relation to the Public, Bank and Mercantile sector operations, we are constrained to close our physical premises for the period deemed necessary by the authorities. However, DCI Recruitment (Pvt) Ltd is committed to providing a “business as usual” uninterrupted service to jobseekers and our valued clients respectively.
Our team will be operating remotely from home until further notice. As a precautionary measure all interviews will be conducted via telephone, WhatsApp or Skype.
Our team can be contacted on the following numbers; 0771099610 or 0771099615, and emails; recruitment@dci.lk and info@dci.lk You can also register with us and send us your CVs through our website: https://dci.lk/
Our 24-hour hotline 0773419933 is active and messages and calls can be made to this number.
DCI understands the stress and anxiety we are all going through in these troubled times and emphasizes the need to stay calm. Remember patients have been diagnosed, treated and discharged from hospitals as we speak. However, being careful and not taking things for granted is in our hands and we must feverishly follow the guidelines in order to keep our immunity levels high.
On our part we take this opportunity to list out what we have been following as precautionary measures of prevention of infection. We start the day by following a routine every morning. We conduct a self-check by taking a deep breath and hold our breath for more than ten (10) seconds, which will help us understand our symptoms better. If you can hold your breath without coughing, without discomfort, without stiffness, or tightness, then it proves that there is less chance of any type of infection.
Medical experts believe that these may be progressive symptoms of the virus (Covid – 19).
DAY 1-3
- Symptoms similar to colds
- Mild throat pains
- No fever, not tired; still consume food and drink as normal
- Throat a little bit painful; body feels like drunk
- Voice becoming hoarse
- Body temperature around 36.5°
- Beginning of disturbance in eating habits;
- Mild headaches
- Mild diarrhea
- Throat pain and hoarse voice
- Mild body heat. Body temperature between 36.5°-36.7°
- Weak body; feeling joint pains
- Beginning of mild fever with temperature around 37°
- Dry cough
- Throat pains while eating, swallowing food, or talking.
- Exhausted and nauseous
- Occasional difficulty in breathing
- Fingers feeling pain
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Higher fever from 37.4°-37.8°
- Coughing incessantly with phlegm
- Body pains and headache
- Worsening diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Fever around 38° or above 38°
- Breathing difficulties; heavy feeling in the chest when breathing
- Incessant coughs
- Headaches, joints becoming lame; buttocks pain.
- Symptoms remain unchanged but becoming worse
- Worsening fever
- Worsening cough
- Difficulties in breathing and struggling hard to breathe
At this stage, blood tests and chest x-ray must be conducted immediately.
This information is for reference purposes only. At any point in time, if you do not feel well, consult a medical doctor immediately,We are all in this together and it is important to self-isolate if you have any doubts about your health. This will not only help you but will also help you look out for the elderly, family, friends and coworkers.
we shall overcome..!!